I have called him by many names since our divorce. Some of them are expletive filled and not best shared here. But the name I have assigned to him today is the most beautiful.
When I first met him, I called him by the wrong name. His name was pronounced differently by others than how it should be and he never corrected anyone. The first five years that I knew him I mispronounced his name. It was not until I met his mother that I learned his real name. It was also the first time that I saw him as my love. We were on a college French class field trip in New Orleans and his family hosted a dinner for the students. I find intellect to be extremely sexy and became enthralled with him when he began to do his school work while everyone else was chilling out at his home. I admired his focus. I became enamored with his mind. The next day I saw him in the sunlight in the French Quarters and knew that I wanted to call him my husband.
And for 21 years, I called him my husband. He was my Butterfly. Beautiful to me in all his stages. And when life called on him to fly away from me, his name began to change.
I remember the first time that I had to refer to him as something other than my husband. We were still married, but newly separated. I did not feel right calling him my husband because he did not want to be married to me any more. But he was still my husband in my heart and legally we were still married. I remember the torment of having to come up with something to call him in a conversation after we separated. He was not my ex-husband because we were not divorced. I remember the awkwardness of trying to come with something and don't really remember what I came up with. I eventually began to refer to him as my children's father.
For the months that followed our separation, I chose to see him in the light of the most important role he became in my life. The father of my children. Seeing him in that light kept me from calling him a motherf****r in public when my anger was at its height. I would not dishonor him because I did not want to dishonor them. I really wanted to call him a motherf****r, but it was best to call him in the best and highest light.
After our divorce was final and he was truly my ex-husband, I didn't really like that word. It sounded so cold. Despite the tragedy of the end of our marriage, it was a great love story. To reduce him to an ex when he was still a huge part of my life did not sound right. So I continued calling him my sons' father. But that made him sound like a baby daddy. And that didn't really sound right either. When writing, I would often refer to him as my then-husband when writing. But that sounded kinda weird.
So I continued to struggle with what to call him and began to just call him by his first name. People who knew him knew who I was talking about. People who didn't would ask who he was. And then I would have to decide whether to call him my ex-husband or my son's father.
But today, I finally decided who he is in my life. The role fits perfectly. It represents who he is and who he was to me. He is my first husband.
He is my first husband.
He is my first husband because he will not be my last. He is my first husband because I have found love again. But he was my first husband before I did. He is my first husband because our marriage ended but did not cut off the possibility of marriage for me. I will marry again one day. In honor of that possibility and as affirmation of that promise, he is my first husband.
Deciding on Joy! was created to help women to find themselves again after a breakup. It is time to rediscover the love story of your life. Demystify your history to uncover the life you desire and deserve. Stand boldly on the precipice of your new life and know that you will fly. Have the courage to create the life you desire and deserve. Master the brilliance of your flaws to see your worth in all its glory. Boldly live your life!
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Woman, Thou Art Loosed!
One of the most powerful moments in your life is when you
realize that the breakup you thought was the end of your life is truly the
release that created the ability to have the life you were truly meant to live!
I used to lament the end of my marriage as a huge failure in my
life. And certainly there were many
personal shortcomings that contributed to my marriage not working. I own that.
I learned from that. Most importantly, I released that! I released myself from my past so that I
could create a beautiful future. I did
an assessment of what I did “wrong” and reframed them into what I could do “right”
to be a better partner in a relationship.
I am more cognizant of what I can control—my behaviors and actions—so that
I can be better for me and better for the one I love.
Far too often we hold onto our past and allow it to rob us
of our future. I was listening to the
Redefining Wealth podcast by Patrice Washington, America’s Money Maven, and she
dropped a nugget of wisdom that reminded me of the power of release. She wisely noted, “Forgiveness is giving up
the possibility of a better past.”
Can you create a better past?
You cannot go back and make your past go the way you wanted
it to go. You cannot go back and make
him love you the way you wish he had.
You cannot go back and love him differently than you did. You cannot go back and create a better
marriage, relationship or life. You. Cannot.
Go. Back!
You can learn from the past and create a better future.
Releasing yourself from the past will open you up to all the
possibilities of the future. Releasing
yourself from the power of your memories will create a superpower of shaping
your future. Releasing yourself from the
devastation of your breakup empowers you to have a beautiful future. Your past will either entrap you or release you. Decide to be released!
What do you need to release today?
The present is time to create the future you desire,
deserve, and deliver yourself!
Today, I challenge you to create a Release Agreement.
Here’s a template to begin this powerful process:
My name is _____________________ and I release myself from
my past so I can create the future I deserve.
I release myself from feeling __________
I release myself from the fear that __________.
I release my anger about ________.
I release the hurt that ________ caused me.
I release myself from the hurt that I caused.
I release myself from the hurt that I caused.
I release myself from the disappointment that
I release myself from ______
Signed __________________
Dated: _____________
Once you create your release agreement, print it out and
post it on your mirror and say it aloud everyday until you feel the freedom of the
power of your words and live them everyday in your spirit.
Woman, thou art loosed!
Sunday, August 5, 2018
A Requiem for the Birthday Cake
A Requiem for the Birthday Cake
Oh Birthday Cake
Oh Birthday Cake
You were not meant to be
I baked you with love
And you treated me unkind
I baked you with care
And you played me like a violin
All I needed was for you to hold it together
And you fell apart on me
All I wanted was a birthday surprise for my son
And you surprised me with cruelty and abandonment
I never thought you would do me this badly
I never thought you would hurt my feelings as you did
You tried to steal my joy
But the jokes on you
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Phidippideedodah! Life is a Marathon, But There’s Hot Chocolate at the Finish Line!
Phidippides was the first to ever run a marathon when he ran
the 26.1 miles from the Battle of Marathon to Athens, Greece to tell of the
Greek victory…then collapsed and died. He made history, but never got to
celebrate his historic run. Today, many
people around the world run marathons voluntarily, some multiple times, for the
mere laurel of a finisher’s medal.
Crazy, right???
I ran my first marathon in 2009. It was after several attempts…at
training. I would always start training,
but I would never finish and would abandon my plans to actually run the
race. It would always be some excuse or
another. I only had one legitimate
reason in 2002 when I became pregnant with my second son. But in 2009, I had no excuse and I was tired
of making them. Either I was going to
run a marathon or quit training for them.
I ran into the usual challenges of completing my training, but I trained
enough to actually run the race. I ran
the Rock and Roll Marathon in New Orleans in 2009 in 4 hours 36 minutes and
some change—30 minutes more than my goal of 4 hours. But I finished! It was a great run and I learned a lot about
myself and life.
I love running! It is
the ultimate therapy. I run to clear my
head. Some of my best thoughts have come
during a run. I started running again in
2016 during my divorce to run away from my sorrows. And so I decided that to complete the
catharsis, I would run another marathon—the same marathon in New Orleans that I
had run before. My training went well
and I was on track…until the last month.
I had a scheduled a move the week after the marathon and just could not
make the trip to run the race and so I postponed my victory run.
I signed up for the Publix Georgia Marathon in Atlanta for
March 2018 and began my training in October 2017. I faced many trials in early 2018—extensive
travel, illness, bad weather and a series of unfortunate events that kept me
from completing my long run training. I
could only run a half marathon as my longest distance before the marathon. But I was not deterred and knew that I could
do it. I had run it before. Despite being less than prepared, I ran it
any way. I just didn’t want to postpone
another time. I felt good the day of the
race and was well on my way to run a 4:30 and some change marathon. But alas, the hills of Atlanta got me. The course had 71 hills (yes, I counted!). Hill # 37 at mile 18 took me out! The hill was a slow incline that lasted almost
the entire mile. My legs said, “Girl,
you have straight lost your mind with this foolishness!” and gave out on
me. I never fully recovered and had to
slow my pace tremendously. I had to walk
the hills for the rest of the course.
And yet she persisted! I refused
to be defeated by 71 hills and finished in 5 hours, 36 minutes and some
change. I was disappointed in my time,
but elated that I did not give up. And I
did not die!
There were several lessons learned from this final victory
run (Yep, that was my last marathon. No
more Phidippidoing for me. I’m good!) I had three major races in 2018 that
yielded great gold for this thing we call life.
Sometimes You’ve Got to Run in the Rain!
In January, I ran the Hot Chocolate 15 K in Atlanta. The prize was a cool medal shaped like a
chocolate bar and real hot chocolate at the end! I was well prepared for this race, but the
morning of the race I woke to rain and cold.
Seriously?? Yep, it was raining for real. I really wanted to stay in my warm toasty bed. But a little rain wasn’t going to hurt
me. I put on my warmest clothes and found
a blue poncho in the trunk of my car and off I went. I looked like a smurf running the hills of
downtown Atlanta, but it wasn’t that bad.
I had a goal to achieve and a little rain wasn’t going to stop me. Eventually, it stopped raining and I ran a
record time. That’s how life is. You may face rain, a storm, or even a
hurricane, but eventually the sun does come out and you will be victorious at
the end.
This race yielded many great life lessons. I spent most of the race looking at the
backside of other runners. Not because of perversion, but I ran with my head
down to keep the rain out of my eyes. There
were a lot of posterior depictions—big ones, small ones, lopsided ones, where in
world is it ones—but they were all running.
You don’t need a perfect backside to run! You just need to move and run your race. There were also many runners with fancy
smancy rain gear. There was me in my
blue smurf poncho and other runners in trash bags. But all of us crossed the finish line. You don’t need perfect gear to run
either. You just need to move and run
your race. Far too many times, we don’t
go for the goal because we don’t have everything we think we need. No race is
ever run in perfect conditions. All it
takes is the runner and the will to keep moving.
Life never yields perfect conditions. You will always face rain, potholes, and the
occasional inconsiderate donkey running with an umbrella in a crowd of people. You can’t let these imperfections rob you of
the perfect opportunity to do something great!
If you quit when you run into obstacles, you’ll miss out on your hot
chocolate at the end.
Sometimes You Just Need to Enjoy the Beauty of the Race Course
The second major race I ran this year was the Diva Half
Marathon in Peachtree City, Georgia. I
had to drive a marathon to get to the race at Dark Thirty in the morning. Although the race was in March, it was
cold. No rain, but it was cold. I had registered to run this same race in
2016, but had to defer because of a work engagement that conflicted with the
race date. Luckily, I was able to apply
my registration for a future Diva Run. I
had almost forgotten about the credit and remembered when I was trying to plan
my long run recovery after almost a month of barely running. I could not miss out on the opportunity to
run in a tutu and earn a boa and crown!
I almost didn’t make the race because I had to get my son off for his
Spring Break trip early that morning, but I was determined. My mind was heavy during the beginning of the
race and it was my first long run in weeks.
My pace was off, but I was moving.
This race was on a flat terrain that wound through a beautiful nature
trail. At mile nine, I really began to
appreciate the beauty of the run! I got
to see the sun rise beautifully over the lakes and trees along the trail. The majestic views along this trail were just
And I almost missed out on them by focusing on the odds I faced
to finish. At one point, I began to
worry about finishing the marathon! It
was one full week away and I was worrying about a race I had not even begun. But, I raised my head above the dread and
enjoyed the beauty of the trail I was on.
It is so easy to be weighed down by the worries of the world
that we forget to enjoy the beauty of the moment. Our lives are a series of moments that create
impactful experiences. We miss out on so
many beautiful experiences because we don’t pay attention to the wonderful
moments that we have the ability to create.
We are existing rather than embracing the countless moments we have to
connect and create great experiences. As
I began to focus on the beauty of the trail, my pace improved and I was able to
fully appreciate the awesomeness of running by my own power in a race that I
ran against all odds. In the end, I wore
a crown!
The Worst Hills Are at the Finish
In every major race I ran this year, the universe was
conspiring to defeat me with steep hills.
The joke was on me because every time, the most difficult hill was at
the end. In the Hot Chocolate 15K, it
was at Mile 9. In the Diva Half
Marathon, it was at Mile 12. And in the
Marathon, it was the hill of all hills at Mile 18 and the 34 hills that
followed. How cruel? Who plans these courses? Do they place these hills to crush spirits
and render defeat? Or are they just
hills that happen to be there and you just have to push through? Hills occur naturally. They are not sinister plots to kill your
joy. They are just part of the
course. And so I wove a tapestry of
obscenities and made it up each hill to get to my finish line. The hills did not defeat me. They slowed me down. They depleted a little more energy. They tested my leg muscles. But they did not crush my spirit. I took each hill one step at a time until I
got to the top.
The thing about hills is that there is a glorious decline on
the other side. You get your wind
back. Momentum improves your pace. You make up the time you lost making it up
the hill. And so is life. You will have the ups and downs, but they all
balance out in the end when you just keep moving. You just need to move and run your race.
Although my Phidippedays are over, I will keep running. I will run my 5 miles regularly and the
occasional 10 mile long run. I may even
run a half marathon if I get to run in a tutu.
I will encounter the monster hill that meets me every day at mile .5 and
the rolling hills thereafter. Some days
I will run fast and others I will run slow.
Some days I will feel like a champion and others I may feel like I share
the fate of Phiddipedes. But I will keep
running. I will run in the rain. I will run for the crowns, boas, and tiaras
of life. Most of all, I will run for the
hot chocolate.
Life is better when you run to get
hot chocolate. My hot chocolate was also
my love. He was waiting for me at the
end of the 15K. He was a joy to see! He waited for me in cold and warmed me up with
a hug and kiss. Honestly, if we had not
been running the race together, I probably would have punked out and got back
in the bed when I saw the rain coming down.
But he dutifully picked me up and made sure I was prepared to withstand
the cold and rain. My love was a great motivation for finishing that
marathon. I knew he would be waiting
there for me. I kept looking for his
face along the route. Hoping he would
have mercy on me and come pick me up. I
almost called him at mile 24 when I really wanted to quit. But I persisted and kept going. As soon as I crossed the finish line, I ran
into his arms to get the kiss that took 26.2 miles to find. This hot chocolate was even better!
What is your hot chocolate?
A new job? A business you’ve
always dreamed of? A new love? A new life?
Whatever it is, there may be a marathon between you and your hot
chocolate. Just run it one mile at a
time. Just conquer one hill at a
time. Don’t worry about the perfect
posterior or gear. Run around the jerk
with the umbrella. Anticipate the
monster hills before the finish line and be determined to conquer them. Just don’t quit. You just need to move and run your race.
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